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Physics 10 2013-01-03
Hits : 117059

1. 주 제 : Physics for Future Presidents

- 물리학에서 수학보다 개념 이해에 초점을 맞춘 강의

2. 강의자 : Professor Richard A. Muller

3. 제 공 : UC BERKELEY

4. 출 처 : YouTube

5. 언 어 : 영어

6. 강의소개

: Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services

7. 사이트 연결 :
